2013년 12월 12일 목요일

건강불균형과 흡연(영문)

건강불균형과 흡연(영문)
건강불균형과 흡연(영문).pptx

1. Why is it the problem?

2. by Gender

3. by Occupation

4. by Income

5. by Educational Level

6. Our Conclusion

Korea’s smoking problems 1

Korea, the high rate of smoking in men is so high. Smoking has a huge impact on the health of the people.

But limited to adult males, smoking problem seems to be resolved soon. Last 10 years, the smoking rate of adult males decreased continuously.

5. by Educational Level
6. Our Conclusion

[ Inequality ]
It’s everywhere in our society
even Health Behaviors are related to Inequality

1990s, the Republic of Korea has built a system of national health insurance. For those anyone can go to the hospital by low cost. Health inequalities are not completely resolved
Until now, we can verify that you have a close relationship with the social

gender roles and smoking behavior vienna institute of demography working papers 2010.7
tv 조선- 흡연, 연령 어려지고 20대 여성 느는데대책은? 2012.10.23.
조선닷컴 - 한국인 최초 흡연 12.7세20대 여성 23% 흡연 2012.10.23.
보건복지부, 통계청

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